María La Culpa

"As creators we are in a constant process of investigation, we like challenges and new ideas, we believe in the union of different languages, in order to create one that is our own and unique, always from the thematic of women."
Our company was born in Barcelona in 2012 motivated by the desire to bet on a different, critical and daring creation. We are two actresses, Marisol Robertson and Daniela Jacques. We come from different methods and Universities (Lecoq and Stanislavky) which has enriched our creative process.
At the beginning, the research process was inspired by the soap operas of the 80s. From there, two musical comedies were born as satire, "Boca de Perlas" and "Santa Culpa", which were performed at Teatro Llantiol in Barcelona and participated in festivals:
. Estrena-t, Barcelona (September 2015).
. Fitag Internacional, Girona (Augost 2015).
. Fitelx, Festival internacional de teatre d'Elx, Elche (October 2014).
. Fitag Internacional, Girona (Augost 2014).
In 2016 we decided to bet on a visual and symbolic theater: “Princesses”
With this work (medium format) we have participated in "Estrenate" organized by CICUS, University of Sevilla (April 2017), "Cotxeres a Escena" (December 2017) sponsored by the the City Council of Barcelona. Princess won the artistic residence of Espai Tysner in Barcelona and the result of this residence was born "Fragments of a Princess", which has participated in:
. Monodrama Women Festival, Tyre, Líbano (May 2023) "Best actress award winner."
. Festival Mujeres a Escena, Córdoba, Argentina (June 2021).
. Internacional Erasmus for Young people, Barcelona (February 2020).
. Festival de teatro Albrocal XIII, Toledo (October 2019) Nominated for Best Director and Best Actress.
. Festival Mutis X, Barcelona (March 2019) "Best movement performance award winner”.
. Mono-Dame festival Marrakech, Marruecos (January 2019).
. Internacional theatre Festival of Fez, Marruecos (October 2018).
. Internacional theatre Festival L' Citerne, Marruecos (March 2018).
In 2018 we premiered "Enfermeras", a micro theatre project, winner of the residency "20 minutos" Espai Tysner, Barcelona. Enfermeras has participated:
Festival Mutis XII, Barcelona (April 2021)
. Festival Mínima Expressió, Badalona (October 2019).
. Microdegustación teatral, Barcelona (September 2019)
. Teatro La Encina, Madrid (May 2019).
2020 with the arrival of Covid 19, we started to produce our webseries "Las Marías", characters that were already part of our eighties repertoire and that have gone from the theatre to the screen. Currently with 2 seasons.
In March 2021 we created the project Las Marías "El Show" which has participated :
. Sala Barts in Barcelona (March 2022).
. Festival Mutis XII, Barcelona (April 2021).
. Mercateatre, Barcelona (July 2021).
. Poblenou Festival, Barcelona (September 2022).
. Sala Barts, Barcelona (March 2021) Premiere and season.
About us

Daniela Jacques Aviñó
I was born in Bochum, Germany. I currently live in Barcelona. I have a degree in theatre acting from the University of Chile. I trained in stage direction and dramaturgy at La Casona with Maida Puyol, Film for visual artists at the Massana School, Scriptwriting from film analysis with Dany Campos at the University of Barcelona.
In 2010 I formed the theatre company "Robinson Cecilio" in which I worked as co-director and actress. We premiered the play "Perras Urbanas" at Versus Teatre, Barcelona.
In 2013 I founded "Maria La Culpa", where I work as co-director and actress until today. I was nominated for best director with the play "Fragmentos de una Princesa" at the Certamen de teatro ALBROCAL XIII, 2019 in Toledo, Spain.
In 2022 I participated as an actress in Casa Ámerica Catalunya and the Bienal del pensamiento de CCCB with "Esa cosa animal" dramatised reading by Lina Meruanes and in TNT festival with "Washington" by Matias Daporta.
In film, I directed and wrote the short film "Nadia" which premiered at the International Short Film Festival of Chile (MICC). I have also developed in other artistic areas of the visual field in Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and Barcelona.
I work as a casting coach since 2008 until today with Alejandra Alaff (CAASTING) and Mercè Ramos.

Marisol Robertson Cortes
I was born in Viña del Mar, Chile. I studied Scenic Communication at DUOC.UC, Chile and Gestural Theatre at the International School Estudis del Teatre de Berty Tobias, Barcelona. I complemented my studies with Clown directed by Cristián Atanasiu, Comedia del Arte with Felipe Cabezas, La voz en movimiento with Hans Richter, Mime with the director Pachi Torreblanca, contemporary dance with Gabriela Barbeiro.
In 2005 I founded the theatre company and cultural association "La Ira Teatro", specialising in gestural theatre and Comedia del Arte, together with the actor and current director of the Sala Fenix (Barcelona) Felipe Cabezas. We participate in Spanish national festivals such as "La Marató del Espectacle", Mercat de las Flors, Barcelona, "Fitag", Girona, "La noche en Blanco", Madrid among others.
In 2013 I created the artistic company "María La Culpa", a project led by women in which I am an actress and co-director until today.
In May 2023 I won the award for best actress in "Monodrama Women Festival" in the city of Tyre, Lebanon. I won the award for best work and movement score at the MUTIS X Festival, with the play "Fragments of a Princess", Barcelona 2019 and I was nominated for best actress with the show "Fragments of a Princess" at the ALBROCAL XIII Theatre Contest, Toledo 2019, Spain.
Parallel to theatre, I discovered Butoh dance, I have trained with Rossana Barra (Brazil-Barcelona), Maelene Jobst (France) and I have done monographs with Yumiko Yoshioka (Japan), Yael Karavan (England) and Yuko Kaseko (Japan).
I have been studying and working with the Pilates Method for more than 12 years.